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Author Guidelines

NOTES FOR CONTRIBUTORS Overview 1. Contributions should be electronic, double spaced, using A4 page size and be around 8,000 words in length including endnotes and references.

2. Sites accepts a variety of submissions: • Original research for peer review in the form of essays set out with either subtitles or sections and a reference list (often used for cultural studies content, theoretical studies, experimental writing, social history) • Original research for peer review in the form of a generic social science format of introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion. (often used for empirical research projects) • The winning essay from the senior student essay competition • Book reviews • Introductions to special issues (which unless specifically requested by the special issue editor will not be peer reviewed) • Dedications

3. Your manuscript should be set out as following: title, abstract and then the main body of text, followed by acknowledgements, endnotes, then references.

4. The main body of text should contain no personally identifying details of the author. Pages should be numbered and the title of the manuscript should be inserted in the header so that it appears on every page. The manuscript should be left justified and doubled spaced. All text in the main body of the manuscript should be in a font of Times size 12 or equivalent and use New Zealand spellings. Main headings should be in capitals and subheadings should be in sentence case, left justified. Manuscripts should be submitted with as little formatting as possible. A detailed style guide follows this overview.

5. Abstracts should be unstructured and about 150 words in length.

6. Please provide up to five keywords that describe the content of your submission. These should sit immediately below the abstract.

7. Please follow the tickbox instructions for electronic submission of your manuscript and answer all fields. The short biographical note about the author requested in the space provided in the electronic submission page should include an address for correspondence, institutional affiliation, and research interests, and should not exceed 100 words.

8. Please also ensure that you have included a brief acknowledgement of any funding you have received towards this research in your manuscript. This should be included in the form of a short note placed after the main body of text. Please also note in your text the details of your ethics review process (if appropriate) in the methods section of your manuscript.

9. All images should be submitted in digitised TIFF format as email attachments accompanying the electronic text. Please ensure these have been scanned at the highest resolution possible.

10. All permissions for reproduction of images, tables etc. (e.g. from previously published work) are to be obtained by the author at the time of manuscript submission. Figures and Tables are described numerically i.e. Figure 1, Table 2 etc.

11. All contributing authors to the article must be registered on the Sites webpage in order for their names to appear on the final article if it is accepted for publication. Please ensure this registration is carried out at the submission stage.

12. Please use italics for use of languages other than English or Te Reo Māori. Less frequently encountered Māori words should be followed in the text by an English translation (in parentheses).

13. Sites policy on peer review is that each manuscript is peer-reviewed by two reviewers on a double-blind basis. These reviewers are selected nationally or internationally as appropriate to the content of the article. Submitting authors should note that the scope of Sites is the study of society and culture in the Pacific and Pacific Rim and related diasporas in its broadest possible configuration and that we welcome the work of anthropologists, indigenous studies scholars, sociologists, cultural theorists, historians and other scholars with similar interests.

14. Cover Letter: Prospective authors must supply with their electronic submissions a statement indicating that the text which they submit is not under consideration for publication by any other journal. Please also include in this cover letter a short description of each author’s contribution to the final manuscript, along with a statement regarding any conflict of interest for each author. In addition, the names of two possible referees for the article should be included.

15. Authors should also note that once a manuscript has been formally accepted for publication, the editor may make slight revisions to the style or grammar of the text. All accepted authors will receive a PDF file of their paper in its final version before it goes to press and will be asked to make one final proofread in 48 hours and then return the file with any minor grammatical or spelling errors noted to the editor for correction. Please note that it is not possible to make any more substantial changes at this stage.

16. Please direct enquiries over this process to the Assistant Editor Molly McCormick

Detailed style & reference guide for authors:

Use Times 12 font for the entire manuscript including the abstract and references. Please keep formatting to a minimum; pre-set styles should not be used. 

Please use italics to distinguish the title of a book, movie, TV show, or other creative titled work that appears in the body of the manuscript. Titlepage should contain title followed by authors on next line, then abstract and keywords. These should be Times 12 font. Please provide up to five keywords as follows: Keywords: left justified; no capitals (apart from placenames); separated by semi-colons.

HEADINGS And subheadings

  • Note that subheadings are common but not required in the body of the article.
  • Headings in caps, subheadings are in sentence case, left justified. They are NOT italicised. They are NOT bolded.

TEXT Justified left only. Paragraphs are not indented. Single space between sentences.

NOTES Sites uses endnotes rather than footnotes. These should appear at the end of the document (following the references). Once the paper is accepted, insert footnote 1 as the author’s brief bio and email address. These notes will be placed in the journal style by the production team.


  • NZ spelling with ‘ise’ endings.
  • No gap between initials: W.E.B. Du Bois
  • Decades: No apostrophe: 1960s
  • Percentage: per cent

All Latin academic phrases and contractions such as ibid, et al. are italicised. Italics should also be used for use of  languages other than English or Te Reo Māori, with a translation of the word or phrase appearing in parentheses. A glossary can also be considered if a very large number of non-English language words and phrases appear in the text.


  • Single quotation marks (double for quotation within quotation)
  • Quotation marks inside closing punctuation
  • Block quotation for long quotations (more than 3 lines), indented at left and right
  • Ellipses in square brackets when not part of the original quotation: [. . .]
  • In general ellipses should appear as . . . (note the space between each dot)
  • Use square brackets to insert an indication of emotional tone into interview segments eg [laughingly]
  • Use square brackets to insert words to cover an abridged section of a quote to ensure the grammar reads correctly eg [and therefore]

IN TEXT CITATIONS Follow the Chicago B author date style (Author date, page/s) 

  • Inclusion of a page number or section is always preferred when a specific part of the source is being discussed eg (Smith 2018, 5) or (Smith 2018, 5–11)
  • Note that the page range (and all ranges) are not hyphens but ‘en’ dashes, available under ‘Advanced symbols’ in Word or simply copy and paste from the example on above,
  • Some specific examples: Single author: (Lee 1997, 96–97). Two or three authors: (Heatherton, Smith, and Hsu 2008) Four or more authors: (Heatherton et al. 2008, ch. 5) Two or more different works listed in a single citation: list in alphabetical order and separate by semi-colons (Adams 2009, 5; Heatherton, Smith, and Hsu 2008; Young 2002).
  • In-text citations usually follow the material cited or quoted, but may precede it if the author’s name is mentioned, as in Pollan (2006) noted that ‘. . .’. If the citation is after the passage, the final stop comes after the last bracket, i.e. . . . (Pollan 2006). However, if an indented quote is used and there is a final citation, the punctuation precedes the initial bracket and no punctuation follows it, i.e. . . . are prescribed and practised when in fact people’s pain calls for the opposite. (Biehl 2012, 251)

NUMBERS Spell out numbers in text if less than one hundred. Spell out centuries in lowercase, i.e.

  • the twenty-first century
  • the eighth and ninth century
  • 2.2 million
  • eighty per cent
  • Decades can be either spelled out or enumerated, i.e. the nineties or the 1990s.
  • Figures and tables are not spelled out, but enumerated, i.e. • Figure 1 • Table 1
  • Time is enumerated when expressed as AM and PM • 4 AM

REFERENCES Sites uses the Chicago 16 B (in-text author-date citations).

  • The main modification is that Sites uses single quote marks around chapter or paper titles in the list of references to fit in with the single quote mark text style.
  • Theses and dissertations are to be included in the references list.
  • Title Case is used for titles.
  • A hanging indent is used to format the references list (do not use a tab).
  • Spell out first names, rather than using initials.
  • Note that when several works by the same author are listed, they are listed in chronological order and after the first listing, the author’s name is replaced by a 3 em dash (Found in Advanced symbols in Word – copy and paste from this guide if you do not have this on your symbols list) e.g. Pollan, Michael. 2006. ———. 2009.

Some specific examples

  • Book: Williams, Lewis. 2022. Indigenous Intergenerational Resilience: Confronting Cultural and Ecological Crisis. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
  • Book with multiple editions: Smith, Linda Tuhiwai. 2021. Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples. 3rd ed. London: Zed Books.
  • Edited book: Greenberg, Joel, ed. 2008. Of Prairie, Woods, and Water: Two Centuries of Chicago Nature Writing. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Co-authored book: Ward, Geoffrey C., and Ken Burns. 2007. The War: An Intimate History, 1941–1945. New York: Knopf.
  • Multiple authors: Heatherton, Joyce, James Fitzgilroy, and Jackson Hsu. 2008. Meteors and Mudslides: A Trip through . . .
  • Translation: García Márquez, Gabriel. 1988. Love in the Time of Cholera. Translated by Edith Grossman. London: Cape.
  • Chapter in an edited book: Gould, Glenn. 1984. ‘Streisand as Schwarzkopf.’ In The Glenn Gould Reader, edited by Tim Page, 308–11. New York: Vintage.
  • Chapter in an edited book with multiple editions: Borkan, Jeffrey. 1999. ‘Immersion/Crystallization.’ In Doing Qualitative Research, edited by Benjamin Crabtree and William Miller, 179–194. 2nd ed. London: Sage.
  • Article: Note that authors must include all article dois in the reference list: Sampson, Robyn, and Sandra M. Gifford. 2010. ‘Place-making, Settlement and Well-being: The Therapeutic Landscapes of Recently Arrived Youth with Refugee Backgrounds.’ Health & Place 16(1):116–131.
  • Theses and dissertations: Choi, Mihwa. 2008. ‘Contesting Imaginaires in Death Rituals during the Northern Song Dynasty.’ PhD diss., University of Chicago. URL if available.
  • Webpage: ABC Online Indigenous. n.d. ‘NT Intervention.’ Accessed 17 May 2015 from
  • Conference presentation: Jones, Arthur, and Joan Smith. 2017. ‘On Anthropology.’ Annual Conference on Anthropology and Cultural Studies, London, June 24-27.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Cover letter with all requested information has been submitted.
  • Cover letter includes names of two potential reviewers.
  • Cover letter includes a list of all authors, clarifies each author’s contributions to the final manuscript, confirms that all authors have registered with Sites as authors.
  • The manuscript strictly adheres to the instructions provided in the author guidelines.
  • The references are correctly formatted according to Chicago 16 B (in-text author-date citations) style and all available DOIs are included in the reference list. See the referencing guide for detailed instructions.
  • A statement regarding conflict of interest has been included at the end of your Manuscript including the disclosure of all relevant funding for the research.
  • Signed, written permission from the copyright holder for the use of tables, figures, or diagrams previously published has been provided.
  • The manuscript has been edited to ensure appropriate spelling and grammar.
  • Where appropriate human and animal experimentation has been approved by a properly constituted ethics committee; and a statement to this effect has been provided within the text of the manuscript, along with the ethics reference number allocated to the study by the ethics committee.
  • To ensure a blind peer review, please remove identifying details from the text of your submission, including header and footer. For self-citations, use "Author" and date only in parenthetical citations and references (do not include the title or publication outlet for the reference). If using a Microsoft Office document, author identification should also be removed from the properties for the file.


Editorials may be peer reviewed or not. If peer reviewed, they will appear under the section heading ‘article’ in the print version of Sites. If not peer reviewed they will appear under the section heading ‘editorial’ in the print version of Sites.

Book Review Essays

Review essays should be of around 3 to 5000 words in length depending upon the number of books being reviewed and require a reference list for citations in text of published web and print sources.


A short summation or reflection on the contents of the special issue or special section, generally no longer than 3000 words which should include references if the text mentions web or print based published works

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.