Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- Cover letter with all requested information has been submitted.
- Cover letter includes names of two potential reviewers.
- Cover letter includes a list of all authors, clarifies each author’s contributions to the final manuscript, confirms that all authors have registered with Sites as authors.
- The manuscript strictly adheres to the instructions provided in the author guidelines.
- The references are correctly formatted according to Chicago 16 B (in-text author-date citations) style and all available DOIs are included in the reference list. See the referencing guide for detailed instructions.
- A statement regarding conflict of interest has been included at the end of your Manuscript including the disclosure of all relevant funding for the research.
- Signed, written permission from the copyright holder for the use of tables, figures, or diagrams previously published has been provided.
- The manuscript has been edited to ensure appropriate spelling and grammar.
- Where appropriate human and animal experimentation has been approved by a properly constituted ethics committee; and a statement to this effect has been provided within the text of the manuscript, along with the ethics reference number allocated to the study by the ethics committee.
- To ensure a blind peer review, please remove identifying details from the text of your submission, including header and footer. For self-citations, use "Author" and date only in parenthetical citations and references (do not include the title or publication outlet for the reference). If using a Microsoft Office document, author identification should also be removed from the properties for the file.
Editorials may be peer reviewed or not. If peer reviewed, they will appear under the section heading ‘article’ in the print version of Sites. If not peer reviewed they will appear under the section heading ‘editorial’ in the print version of Sites.Book Review Essays
Review essays should be of around 3 to 5000 words in length depending upon the number of books being reviewed and require a reference list for citations in text of published web and print sources.Afterword
A short summation or reflection on the contents of the special issue or special section, generally no longer than 3000 words which should include references if the text mentions web or print based published worksCopyright Notice
Copyright © in this published form is held by Sites: New Series, Association of Social Anthropologists of Aotearoa New Zealand, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Individual readers and non-profit libraries acting for them, are permitted to print or download a single copy of an article without charge for use in research or teaching. Permitted use includes providing a link to an article, or hosting a PDF article in online Learning Management Systems or E-Reserve Systems for authorised users. A single article may be used in print or online Course Packs. Interlibrary loan is permitted. New Zealand Copyright Law and Copyright Licensing New Zealand Education Licence provisions apply. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works or for resale. For such uses, written permission is required. Write to the Editor:
The contents of this journal will be available in an open access format 12 months after an issue is published. Sites is licensed CC BY 4.0 unless otherwise specified.