Editorial policies

Sites' editorial policies have been developed in accordance with COPE guidelines (Committee on Publication Ethics).

Editorial decisions

The general or special issue editor makes an initial decision on whether to send an article out for review. If accepted for the review process then all such articles are anonymously and independently reviewed by two scholars on a double-blind basis. The criteria upon which reviewers are asked to evaluate articles are as follows: potential academic interest in the topic, logic of argument, clarity of prose, suitability for a Sites readership. Sites aims for a turnaround time for peer review of 4 weeks.

Fair play

All manuscripts will be reviewed based on intellectual content without regard for age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, country of origin, or political philosophy of the authors. Submissions are peer reviewed on a double-blind basis.


All manuscripts submitted for peer review are kept strictly confidential. The editor and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, as appropriate. At no time will editors or reviewers use submitted materials without the consent of the authors.

Fundamental errors in published works

When a significant error or inaccuracy has been discovered in a published work (with or without the author notifying it), the journal editors will cooperate with the author to retract or correct the paper accordingly. If a correction is deemed appropriate, the editors reserve the right to correct the published material and include a dated erratum.

Management of disputes and appeals:

Any disputes or appeals arising from the editorial and reviewing process will be referred to the Editorial Board for determination on a consensual basis.