Now available: General issue with a special section on "The Temporality of Disaster" (vol. 19 no. 2, 2022)
Sites is pleased to advise that a new issue is now available:
General article:
- ‘Māori History can be a Freeing Shaper’: Embracing Māori Histories to Construct a ‘Good’ Pākehā Identity (Rachelle Pedersen, Tim McCreanor, Virginia Braun)
Special section edited by Chris Prentice:
- Introduction: Refiguring Disaster Temporalities: Creative Interventions in(to) Disastrous Times (Chris Prentice)
- 'A Taste of Hell': Fires, Landscapes, Emotions, and Renewal (Grace Moore)
- To Linger in Post-Earthquake Christchurch: The Responsibility of Waiting (Josephine Carter)
- The Last Fish, Phantom Islands, and Reef Ruins: Unsettling Logics of Permanence (Jeffner Allen)
Ngā mihi
Jennifer Lawn
(General Editor)