'Well They're Very Good Citizens;:New Zealanders' perceptions of Asians in New Zealand


  • Andrew Bucher




Drawing on the Asia New Zealand Foundation's tracking studies of New Zealander's perceptions of Asia, this article examines how these perceptions have changed over time and what the characteristics of these perceptions are, in terms of geography and age. Particular attention is given to changing perceptions vis-à-vis the diversifying ethnic composition of New Zealand's population, both during the tracking study, and through forward demographic projections. Inevitably, changes to New Zealand's population provoke questions about New Zealand's national identity and the place of Asians within that, and this article concludes by asking to what extent Asians will be involved in the 'making of New Zealand' in the twenty-first century.

Author Biography

  • Andrew Bucher
    Director, Research and Policy, Asia New Zealand Foundation





How to Cite

’Well They’re Very Good Citizens;:New Zealanders’ perceptions of Asians in New Zealand. (2009). Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, 5(2), 5-30. https://doi.org/10.11157/sites-vol5iss2id100