Maori business news in the mass media
Maori commerce, business, media coverageAbstract
Despite numerous historical and contemporary demonstrations of their business acumen, hegemonic discourses represent Maori as dishonest, lazy, incompetent and unfairly privileged in this domain. We studied the items about Maori business in a large representative national sample of newspaper coverage gathered in 2007/8 using content, thematic and discursive analyses. From these data we conclude that mass media newspapers in Aotearoa reproduce hegemonic views through very low levels of coverage and frequent recourse to Pakeha expectations about Maori business. The overall effect is to minimise, marginalise and denigrate important Maori contributions to this vital arena of national life.Downloads
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Maori business news in the mass media. (2011). Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, 8(2), 32-56.