Space, Race, Bodies – A Conference Theme, A Timely Reminder


  • Moana Jackson Victoria University, Wellington



Moana's commentary on the Space, Race, Bodis II conference

Author Biography

  • Moana Jackson, Victoria University, Wellington
    Moana Jackson is a New Zealand Māori lawyer specialising in Treaty of Waitangi and constitutional issues. He is of Ngāti Kahungunu and Ngāti Porou descent. In 1988 he co-founded (with now Judge Caren Fox) the first Māori Community Law Centre, Ngā Kaiwhakamārama i ngā Ture (the Māori Legal Service). He also teaches in the Māori Law and Philosophy degree programme at Te Wānanga o Raukawa, the largest Indigenous tertiary college in the world. Moana graduated in Law from Victoria University of Wellington; was Director of the Māori Law Commission; was appointed Judge on the International People’s Tribunal in 1993 and has since then sat on hearings in Hawai’i, Canada, and Mexico. He was appointed Visiting Fellow at the Victoria University Law School in 1995, and was elected Chair of the Indigenous People’s Caucus of the United Nations Working Group on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Moana wrote about restorative justice in a highly acclaimed report in 1988, titled ‘Māori and the Criminal Justice System’. Since 2011 he has co-chaired, with Professor Margaret Mutu, the Independent Iwi working Group on Constitutional Transformation, which has held over 300 hui (meetings) around the country discussing the need for Treaty-based constitutional change. The Report of the Working Group was released on Waitangi Day 2016.







How to Cite

Space, Race, Bodies – A Conference Theme, A Timely Reminder. (2017). Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, 14(1).