ORANGE JUICE HORROR: An Unfinished Conversation on COVID-19 in Vietnam
A COVID-19 story reflecting on personal and global blind spots revealed by a deeply discomfiting personal conversation, this essay explores a collision with colonialism. On a personal level it suggests an autoethnographic practice that may enable the author to find a way forward. On a global level it suggests ‘the West’ can risk dropping its colonial assumptions of intellectual superiority and listen to lessons forged in nearly 20 years’ experience of managing coronavirus pandemics and being openly shared by Vietnam and China. Frightening evidence mounts every day that those who ignore such lessons risk world-changing losses of economic and political stability.
Senior Student Essay Competition
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ORANGE JUICE HORROR: An Unfinished Conversation on COVID-19 in Vietnam. (2022). Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, 18(1), 157-167.