Mai i te Whenua ki te Rangi - Transferring Māori pedagogical practices into cyberspace


  • Sheryl Lee Ferguson



pedagogical practices, karakia, mihimihi


Abstract E-Learning has become the norm in many of our tertiary institutes in Aotearoa New Zealand. The digital age is upon us and as agents of change in a Māori tertiary environment, we are constantly having to keep abreast of new and innovative ways of teaching and learning. Te Iti Rearea, Bachelor of Teaching and Learning (0-8) Early Years Māori Medium degree at Te Whare Wānanga ō Awanuiārangi has recently made the move from the conventional face to face model of teaching and learning to the mixed mode model. E-Learning is one of the modes of delivery for this programme. The degree is a Māori medium degree and ako or the Māori preferred reciprocal pedagogy underpins the programme. The transfer of Māori pedagogical practices from the conventional face to face model to the e-Learning environment can seem like a mammoth task, but is it? This paper outlines some of the key indicators for the successful transfer of Māori pedagogical practices from conventional to the e-Learning environment from recent studies and projects completed by the author.

Author Biography

Sheryl Lee Ferguson

Education Department Senior Lecturer/e-Learning Coordinator




How to Cite

Ferguson, S. L. (2010). Mai i te Whenua ki te Rangi - Transferring Māori pedagogical practices into cyberspace. Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, 7(1), 65–77.


