Searching for meaningful aftermaths: donor family experiences and expressions in New York and Denmark


  • Anja Marie Bornø Jensen



Denmark, United States, organ donation, donor families, brain death


Experiencing the process of consenting to organ donation can be traumatic and devastating to organ donor families. By empirically focusing on Danish and North American donor families, this article argues that donor families are searching for a meaningful aftermath by trying to interpret their experiences in various ways. The discussion of the complexity of how the donor family experiences are perceived and articulated is unfolded by focusing on the attempts to reinterpret brain death, the idea of organ donors "living on", and the perception of the organ donor as a hero or a good citizen. The study shows that the donor family experiences and recollections are deeply affected by the organisational context for families, the social interaction with staffs, and by the values and ideologies connected to organ donation in the specific cultural and national context.

Author Biography

  • Anja Marie Bornø Jensen
    Anja Marie Bornø Jensen has worked extensively with anthropological perspectives on organ donation and conducted several field studies among donor families and healthcare staff in the United States of America and in Denmark. Jensen holds an MA in Anthropology and submitted her PhD at the Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen in August 2011.







How to Cite

Searching for meaningful aftermaths: donor family experiences and expressions in New York and Denmark. (2011). Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, 8(1), 129-148.