Some Contemporary Critical Cosmopolitanisms and Anthropology.
critical cosmopolitanismsAbstract
This is a book review essay based on the following texts: Caraus, T., and C.A. Parvu. eds. 2014. Cosmopolitanism and the Legacies of Dissent, Florence: Taylor and Francis, 304 pages ISBN 9781317645023 (hardback) ISBN 9781315761381 (ebook) Josephides, L., and A. Hall. eds. 2014. We The Cosmopolitans. Moral And Existential Conditions Of Being Human. Oxford: Berghahn Books 186 pages ISBN 9781782382768 (hardback) ISBN 9782782382775 (institutional ebook) Schiller, N. Glick., and A. Irving. eds. 2015. Whose Cosmopolitanism? Critical Perspectives, Relationalities And Discontents. Oxford: Berghahn Books 253 pages ISBN 9781782384458 (hardback) ISBN 9781782384465 (ebook) Bielsa, E. 2016. Cosmopolitanism And Translation: Investigations Into The Experience Of The Foreign. New York: Routledge. 188 pages ISBN 9781138946385 (hardback) ISBN 9781138946392 (paperback) ISBN 9781315670843 (ebook)Downloads
Book Review Essays
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Some Contemporary Critical Cosmopolitanisms and Anthropology. (2016). Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, 13(1), 222-237.