Dwelling with Multiplicity: Negotiating Borders in the Lifeworld of First Episode Psychosis





Multimodal ethnography, first episode psychosis, lifeworld, dwelling, multiplicity, borderlands


This paper explores intersections of cure, harm, diagnostic practices, and lifeworlds of mental disability within the field of first episode psychosis. Drawing on findings from a collaborative art workshop developed within an ethnographic study of first episode psychosis, we contrast the experience and phenomenology of psychosis within the art workshops with the construction of psychosis in traditional clinical spaces. Engaging concepts of dwelling, borderlands, and lifeworld within this context, we detail how the workshops countered the ways in which institutional and methodological structuring of narratives of psychosis reinforce diagnostic boundaries. In contrast to the clinical setting, a fuller lifeworld was experienced through witnessing the aesthetics of artwork that was created within the project.

Author Biography

  • Suze G Berkhout, University of Toronto
    Suze Berkhout is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto and clinician-investigator with University Health Network. She is affiliated with the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology and the Wilson Centre.







How to Cite

Dwelling with Multiplicity: Negotiating Borders in the Lifeworld of First Episode Psychosis. (2022). Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, 18(2). https://doi.org/10.11157/sites-id490