Free Plants at Your Disposal: Report on a Wellington Community Greening Trial
free plants, public space, greening, disposalAbstract
People often have good intentions towards the environment but fail to act upon them. Here we report on a trial utilising free plants as an ‘object-ive’ means to get people involved in community greening programs. The trials used free plants combined with an organised planting event. The results suggest that offering free plants to householders living near common land is a promising way of increasing initial engagement in community greening programs. The numbers participating in the trial were encouraging, and feedback received from participants was very positive. The trial reiterates the important role of objects in the people-place interactions that constitute the urban environment, though it has to be emphasised that the practical ‘doability’ and success of any green initiative can only be found in its actual, continued use.Downloads
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Free Plants at Your Disposal: Report on a Wellington Community Greening Trial. (2014). Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, 11(2), 3-24.